
Sherline Taig Spindle Upgrade ER32 Collet Headstock


Sherline Taig Spindle Upgrade ER32 Collet Headstock GBER32
Sherline Taig Spindle Upgrade using ER32 collets with Heavy Duty Headstock Casing. Huge upgrade to the original Sherline and Taig headstocks and spindles. Super accurate and much better than WW collets or jaw chuck. Check it out now!
$497 In stock
Brand:GlockCNC Sherline Taig Compatible
TAX:Michigan USA Tax
custom_label_0:Sherline Taig Headstock
Options 3 Step Bored Sherline Pulley (69) Large Bore Option .790" (49) Adjustable ER32 Nut (199) ABEC-7 Sealed Angular Contact Bearings (8K RPM) (357) ABEC-7 Sealed Angular Contact Hybric Ceramic/St​eel Bearings (19,000 RPM) (757) Taig Dovetail Adapter (99)
Sherline Taig Spindle Upgrade ER 32 Headstock Sherline Taig Spindle Upgrade ER 32 Headstock Sherline Taig Spindle Upgrade ER 32 Headstock Sherline Taig Spindle Upgrade ER 32 Headstock